Monday, November 22, 2010


So, halloween has clearly already passed but i thought i would touch on it seeing as it is my favorite holiday of all time.
This year i was...... Tom Cruise from the one and only Risky Business.
Yes i know what your thinking, classy. WELL IT WAS!
 so for a few pictures

This was my personal favorite of the album. The cat. oh so stuffed, and oh so creepy with its blue eyes. he probably ended up in the pool that night anyway.

 This is also a piece from my portfolio i just did last night. I bought this little brown leather book that i carry around with me now. Its sort of like a journal i write quotes and random thoughts in with some pictures and it will be fun to look at later, or if i die and someone finds it. That probably the real reason i bought it. So people will know me once im gone.


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