Monday, December 27, 2010

Here we go again.

So, this one is about another friend of mine. Someone I care about probably a lot more than I should. Went through a very rough patch and I thought I would be a goner in his life for sure. Of course it hurt a lot for a very long time and I threw some really mean comments around. LITTLE DID I KNOW (stranger than fiction) he would soon return to my life bringing many smiles and many good memories. yeah this sounds a bit fairytailish right? So here he is again in my life, and I could not be more happy. He wanted to new pictures and its one of my favorite things to do SOOOOoooooOOOOooooOOOOooooo

ENJOY gosh darnit.


  1. these are great sweet girl :) miss you

  2. I know you and Ben having been talking a lot lately but you need to know he's not all that he seems. He lies and is mean and rude unnecessarily. He will talk to you for a few months but he will stop talking to you. And from what I've heard you're not exactly his type. You're a really nice girl and I hope you're happy. All I'm really trying to say is don't let him hurt you like I've seen happen to friends and to himself.
