Sunday, December 26, 2010


This is probably going to be a long one!

Everyone wonders when they die who will remember them or if they will even be remembered at all? Who is to celebrate their life when they are gone? These questions all started for me because of this video.

It truly changed my way of living, the way I feel I should live everyday, the way I want to waste no time, the way I never want to have to question myself with "what if's."
The end of the video is really what gets me everytime. He was just a man but his life was celebrated, when you die isin't that what is supposed to happen. I wish never to have a funeral and to have no one wear black but more to celebrate every day i enjoyed what I had.

Secondly, I have a best friend. Obviously, I mean who doesn't? BUT what makes this unordinary is that I have not seen him in months, way too many months because he is far away. I went to his house the other day and just cannot stop thinking about him now. I was gladly informed from his family that he is alright, and i was just glad to have them in my presence so I could feel somewhat close to him again. I have been dazed from my sadness of his loss and it is just now really hitting me. Being told that he based his college decisions off of mine make it so much harder knowing how important I am to him and what a great influence I have over him, if only he followed in my footsteps when it came to being responsible.

Blast from the past and cant say its my cutest: But I love him :)

Get ready for brand spanking new pictures alas!

Also, I hate your hair.

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