Saturday, December 25, 2010

Where I want to be

Bundled up by the tree.
I was reading someone's tumblr tonight and it really gave me some insight on who they are. Before i found myself sort of fantasizing trying to understand who they were and not really getting it all so i resorted to "weird." but so am I, right? Then I realized someone could be reading this not really understanding who I am. So being the indecisive person that I am I want to list my likes, my dislikes, and the things I go crazy for (:D) but I feel like I shouldn't. Shouldn't someone know me from who I am and what I do rather than what I type and what I say. I do make a lot of errors when expressing myself through words.
In Across the Universe you see a heated thanksgiving dinner discussion between a torn family, "Why is it always about what will i do? why isint the question here who i am?" "because, Maxwell, what you do defines who you are." "No unclue teddy, who you are defines what you do...right jude?" "Surely it isint what you do, but the way you go about doing it"
I learned this the hard way...

another thing really bugging me is the way you waltz in and out of my life.

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